K20Z4 Kswap harness for Ford Fiesta ST150 Fonda Harness

K20Z4 Kswap harness for Ford Fiesta ST150 Fonda Harness

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***Currently the wait time is approx 4-6  weeks from point of order *****

FONDA K-Swap Harness

A plug and play harness specifically designed to install a Honda K20Z4 engine into a Ford Fiesta ST150.

With simple connections the harness utilizes the Ford original wiring so the vehicle starts and runs using factory controls.

Comes complete with:

New coolant fan

Coolant fan wiring and relay

Maf-IAT Adapter 


The swap will require :

Honda EP3 dash    (if you require a coolant gauge then a separate solution will be required )

Honda FN2 Type R engine, gearbox, primary 02 sensor, Ecu and DBW pedal

Please click below for a solution to remove the OE immobiliser. The map included also has all of the necessary dtcs removed:


TPW / Ecutek kswap map and accessories


 ***** Once the original Ford ECU is removed certain things will no longer work including climate control ( if fitted) and the original heated screen. The heated screen can be utilized if you a separate switch and timer relay ****

 ***Currently the wait time is approx 4-6 weeks from point of order *****